So, I just found out something, and I'm not very happy about it ...
I had a link for a "Great Foods" list, which listed what I should be eating, what quantities, and what should not be eaten during the 24-Day Challenge. The page that I was looking at said "Avoid starches during Phase 1." This included brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. Well, I just found out that I SHOULD have been eating these things all along! No wonder I haven't felt ANY improvements whatsoever in my energy levels. I haven't been fueling my body correctly! UGH! I am a little frustrated - I have been following the program incorrectly for the past 4 days - this is 40% of the cleanse! I guess this is a better alternative than if I had eaten them and wasn't allowed to. So, I am bummed that I have spent 4 days doing the wrong thing, BUT the good news is now I can eat rice and quinoa!
This hash makes breakfast look a little bit more interesting! I found a recipe for a quinoa and sweet potato hash for breakfast. should be interesting to play around with some new ideas. Maybe quinoa and/or sweet potato with some cinnamon will make it seem breakfasty?
Here is what I ate today:
-Spark with breakfast
-2 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled
-Orange sliced soccer game style
-Salad with mixed greens, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado
-Banana (right after my workout)
-Canned tuna served in a whole, hollowed out tomato, warmed up in the oven, with sliced bell peppers on the side.
Workout this morning was lifting and cardio on the elliptical.
I have a headache tonight, again - but I also have a HUGELY stuffy nose. I'm not sure if I have a headache because I'm sick, or because of the challenge. Maybe I am sick because of the challenge, and have a headache because of it? Who knows. Hopefully adding some complex carbohydrates will help balance everything out.
The weekend is probably going to be tough, simply due to the fact that I will be out of a "routine." I also will be busy tomorrow from 1-4 and 5-11, and again on Sunday from 12-2, 3-5, and 5-7. WHEW. The good news is ... my bed and I will be seeing a lot more of each other tonight! Not setting an alarm tomorrow!

HAPPY WEEKEND! Thanks for reading.
Hope adding carbs makes you feel better! That's the issue with the programs is that your immune system just doesn't know what to do about it. Make sure you're getting enough Vitamin C, but it sounds like things are going great so far!