Today was another fairly light day on my schedule, so I milked it for all it was worth.
My alarm was set for 9am, and I didn't get up until 9:40. I woke up, got some Spark, took my first set of pills, and did some homework in bed while Matt snoozed (and snored) next to me.
Around 10:15 I got up and got my Chocolate Mocha meal replacement shake, and gulped it down. Adding some extra water to it makes it a lot easier to go down. It's not so gelatenous when it's got a few extra ounces of water.
I went to get my oil changed in my car - which didn't happen - but then I went to the gym instead, and ran on the indoor track. My workout today was a 25-minute run, 20 minutes easy and gradually picking it up over the last 5 minutes so that minute 25 is the hardest. I use my cadence tracker on my Garmin watch for this. My "easy" pace is 83 steps per minute. It stays there for minute 1-20. Then, minute 21 goes up to 85 steps per minute, minute 22 goes up to 87, minute 23 goes up to 89, minute 24 goes up to 91, and lastly, minute 25 goes up to 93+ steps per minute.
After that, I went home and woke Matt up. We have been planning all week to go to the diner today. Our favorite diner, Acropalis, is just down the road, and it's really good. At one point, we were going once a week every week! As you know, I had already picked out what I was eating before I even got there!
I was in heaven.

This, folks, is a REAL cup of coffee - that I CONSUMED! :) Decaf, but still delicious!

Chocolate chip pancakes, a side of crispy hash browns, and a coffee. OMG! I could not have asked for a yummier meal. The pancakes were so chocolatey. I used non-sugar free syrup and everything. I put ketchup on my hash browns. IT WAS SO YUMMY.
Immediately after finishing my last sip of my 2nd cup of coffee (yes, 2), we had to race home because I felt so sick. WOW! It's amazing how quickly your body gets used to not eating things like gluten, and how harshly it rejects them when you try to reintroduce them. WOW. I did not feel good. I'm not sure if it was worth it or not!
I talked to my AdvoCare coach today, and she told me that I can reintroduce coffee into my diet, but not as much as I was drinking before. I am going to have ONE cup of coffee in the mornings (Matt is going to monitor this based on how much is left for him!), with some Agave Nectar and some Almond Milk. I got a French Vanilla flavored almond milk creamer thing, which I am hoping is as delicious as it sounds. We also talked about which AdvoCare products I should stay on once my 24-Day Challenge is completed. These include a multivitamin, continuing to drink Spark, and also a couple of products from their Performance Elite line which will help with my training preparation and recovery. I'm excited to try some new products.
Dinner tonight was half of a small rotisserie chicken from Wegmans, some green beans, and a big salad.
Tomorrow starts a whole new week. I just have until the end of the month - January 31st is the 24th day of my 24-day challenge!
Thank you for reading, as always. Contact me if you are interested in doing your own 24-Day Challenge!
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