I didn't have anything scheduled today until 8pm. For those of you who know me well, you understand that's a miracle.
I had my alarm set for 9:00. Not my new alarm clock, Clocky. (Clocky is REALLY loud, makes robot noises, and only lets me hit snooze once. The second time it goes off, its wheels start turning and Clocky jumps off my nightstand and rolls around until I get up to turn it off.) I only used my phone alarm today, which I snoozed for about 30 mins before I got up. I got up, mixed up a Mandarin Orange spark, took my first set of pills for the day, and went back in my room. I fooled around on Facebook for a little while, then made my Chocolate Mocha meal replacement shake. (You're supposed to drink the Spark and take the first set of pills 30 mins before breakfast.) All was well.
I was doing homework in bed, which is my favorite thing to do, although I know I shouldn't. I went to a Wellness Wednesdays presentation at school last month to learn about sleep and sleep hygeine. One thing they said was that the only 2 things you should do in your bed are sleep and make love. If you do other things while on/in your bed, it tells your brain that bed means awake-time, not sleep-time. Oh well. I loved every minute of breaking the rules today!
Around 12:30 I got up to make "lunch." I was getting really hungry, and since I knew it would be a light food day anyway, I ate a big lunch... I made oatmeal (1/2 cup) as an "appetizer" (hehe) with agave nectar and cinnamon, no add-ons. Then was the big show! :D
I have been talking about it all week - making a sweet potato breakfast hash. YUMMMMMM!

This is what I did:
1 sweet potato
1/2 large onion
1/4 medium red pepper
Olive oil
Penzey's Pasta Sprinkle
I peeled the sweet potato, and cut it into small (maybe 1/4 inch) cubes, and placed them in a bowl.
Then, I diced the half onion (I might make bigger pieces next time - they browned up really nicely and were really yummy, but really small), and cut the red pepper into pieces approximately the same size as the sweet potatoes. I dumped everything into the same bowl, drizzled a bit of olive oil. I am a liberal salter, and also put quite a bit of pepper in. Thanks to Matt's mom, I use a lot of Penzey's spices. My favorite is Penzey's Pasta Sprinkle, an Italian spice blend. I sprinkled that over it. I also love rosemary on sweet potatoes, so I rough chopped a small amount to release some oils, and added to the bowl. Any time I use a sweet potato/olive oil/rosemary blend, it is inspired by the Sweet Potato Smash Fries at the burger joint, Smash Burger, that we have at home. SO DELICIOUS. Anyways - after I had put everything in the bowl, I got my hands right in there and mixed! I had to adjust the amount of olive oil a bit, since I was trying to use as little as possible. Once everything was evenly mixed, I threw everything in a big pan! It's important to use a big pan because that will help put a bit of a crisp on everything. If you overcrowd the pan, all of the pieces will steam themselves using the steam released from their neighbors, which makes it a bit soggy. It took a little while to cook everything - maybe 20 minutes? - and I did a lot of stirring (actually, I'm really good at doing the shake thing of the pan to mix everything around) to make sure everything was even. OMG - I wish you could hear and smell this cooking. SO DELICIOUS.
I ate the whole thing - and it was quite a lot, but it was only one potato worth so I felt like it was reasonable. I served it with my favorite, two eggs sunny side up. This is one of the best breakfasts I think I have ever made.

This photo does it no justice. It truly was DELICIOUS. I will be raving about it for days - approximately 7 days, until I make it the next time!
For dinner tonight, I had spaghetti squash with some Grandpa's Sauce and some cooked ground turkey. It was a last-minute thing, and didn't want anything too heavy before going to ref some games tonight.
Tomorrow for lunch, we are going to the diner. I am getting whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes, with a side of hash browns, extra crispy. I CAN'T WAIT. However, this is my one cheat meal for the week. I think that's a good way to stay on track, for the rest of the challenge and beyond - maybe once a week go out/off track. This gives me an opportunity to indulge, but only once a week!
On another note, I have noticed my energy kicking up - I have been getting a tiny bit more sleep than "usual," but I am really feeling and looking great.
Thanks for following!
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