After taking Catalyst with Spark after eating some food first, I didn't feel any of the weirdness that I felt yesterday morning. Scrambled eggs with chopped peppers, and an orange sliced soccer game-style were breakfast again today. Another Fiber Drink was also on the menu. I literally gagged and almost spit it all back up trying to drink it! The good news is, I have 4 days where I don't have to drink any of the fiber drinks! WOOHOO!
I got to sleep in this morning - until 6:30! It's sad that I am excited about that. Workout today was a sprint workout on the track. Garmin Watch says it was 5 miles, but that can't be accurate. A little under 500 calories. It was a good start to the day!
Lunch was my usual big salad, and dinner tonight was chicken breast with broccoli. I made Matt chicken with the same BBQ seasoning I used. He got to have BBQ sauce on his too, boo. I also made him some mashed potatoes. I didn't eat any, but I tried them to make sure there was enough salt/pepper/etc... and they were damn good mashed potatoes... I was jealous. Snacks have continued to be fruit (bananas, apples, pears, grapes, blueberries), as well as some almonds.
I have been having some tummy troubles today, probably because my body is just trying to clean itself out and get rid of all of the toxins. I'm hoping the uncomfortable feelings and grumblings stop soon!
I just came across this quote, and it really resonantes with me. I have been guilty of this in the past, I'll admit. I have complained about my weight. I have complained about my fitness. I have complained about getting not-so-great grades. This quote is a reminder that you have no right to complain about something if you are not willing to roll up your sleeves (that's one of my favorite ASL signs) and do something about it. I don't want to accuse anyone or point fingers, but I think this could serve as a reminder for people. The next time you complain about something, let that little light bulb come on inside your head, and ask if you have the right to complain. Instead of saying, "I'm so fat, I am the fattest girl in my class," or saying "I keep getting bad grades, this major sucks," say to yourself "this is how I am feeling - what can I do to change it?" Motivate yourself to do something about your weight, and seek advice on how to change your study habits.
I said at the beginning that even though it would be hard to give up chocolate, candy, sugar, coffee, pasta, bread, etc., but that I could do almost anything for just 10 days. Well, I am 30% of the way through, and not turning back!
I am not looking forward to the challenges of the weekend, with temptation lurking around every corner.
Happy weekend, everyone! Thanks again for following along.
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