To get an idea of how confusing the process is, here's a look at the checklist for this phase:
The supplements are in the MAX Pack Strips, which is a strip of different packs of vitamins supplements. The first one is taken before breakfast. The second two (why not just put them in one?) are taken with breakfast. The last is taken before lunch.
I can't have "real" breakfast during this phase, but instead drink a meal replacement shake for breakfast. The flavor I got is Chocolate Mocha. The shakes are flavored by Haagen Daz, so it actually tasted pretty good. It was really thick though, so the texture was the only thing I didn't really like. It's definitely doable though. You also can blend it with fruit and stuff to make it more fun. I still really miss coffee though...
Since I didn't have breakfast for breakfast, I had it for lunch instead! There was a Student Staff Appreciation party at work today, and the only food they had was pizza and cupcakes. Probably delicious. I wouldn't know. I had oatmeal (3/4 cup increments), and added some walnuts and some dried cranberries. YUM! I also had 2 scrambled eggs with 2 servings of egg whites. I really love breakfast... like, I could go to a diner every day.
Dinner last night was a big salad with just lettuce and tomatoes with balsamic and olive oil, and tuna in an avocado. All I did was take the tuna out of a can and add lots of red wine vinegar (I LOVE vinegar), salt, and pepper. Then, I halved an avocado, scored it to make cube-ish shapes inside, and put the tuna on top. As I ate the tuna, I scooped up a little bit of avocado. I don't think the avocado was very ripe, because it didn't taste very good. Hopefully it'll be better next week!
You probably have already seen the picture on my Facebook, but I'm posting it here anyways ...

Got to jump to the next loop on my belt!!!!! This actually is the last loop on my belt (I never know how to buy the right size belt...), so if I go any smaller I'll have to buy a new one.
Someone asked me if I have lost weight, or just inches. My response was, I don't know! I weighed myself and did all of my measurements (including body fat %) before I started, and I am not going to weigh myself or do any other measurements until Day 24. I thought about doing a Day 10 set of measurements, but I figured it probably would have ended up being disappointing if I lost a ton during Phase 1, and much less during Phase 2. SO, instead, I am just doing a 24-day set of measurements to compare Day 1 to Day 24. It'll be much more dramatic that way! :-P
I am hoping to be able to try some new and exciting food recipes. I also am planning my "10% cheating" meals too! Definitely going to include chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday for breakfast. YUM!
Things I still miss: COFFEE, bread to dip in olive oil and vinegar, and chocolate.
As always, thanks for reading.
P.S. I also should mention that my "tummy troubles" have shifted ... last week, it was a few days between bathroom visits. This week, it's every day, sometimes twice a day. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing - just a comment.
Just a point of clarification: Haagen Dasz does not flavor advocare. It's a false rumor.