I completed my first-ever 24-Day Challenge on January 31st. I have not yet posted my results, as I have been putting it off for quite some time...
I was not as happy with my numerical results as I was hoping to be. I have heard of people who have lost a TON of weight during the 24 days, 20+ pounds at times. I knew this was unrealistic, but I was really shooting for a good number. I also was hoping for a drop in my percentage of body fat, as that is one thing advertised with the challenge (2-3% drop loss of body fat). This is what I was really aiming for - especially as I paid an extra $60 to get the Catalyst product, which was intended to ensure no muscle mass was lost in the process.
Again, I was hoping for better results than I got, but here they are, starting with the starting weight and measurements:
Day 0: 165 lbs
18.9% Body Fat
Right Arm 11"
Shoulders 41.5"
Chest 35"
Waist 29"
Hips 43.5"
Right Thigh 24"
Right Calf 16"
Total: 200"
Twenty-four days later....
Day 25: 159 lbs (6 pound loss)
18.7% Body Fat (0.2% loss)
Right Arm 10.75" (1/4" loss)
Shoulders 41.5" (no change)
Chest 33" (2" loss)
Waist 27" (2" loss)
Hips 41.5" (2" loss)
Right Thigh 22.5" (1.5" loss)
Right Calf 15.5" (1/2" loss)
Total 191.75" (8.25" total loss)
(Before & After photos will be posted once Matt uploads them for me)
So, I lost a total of 8.25 inches, 6 pounds, and 0.2% body fat. (Some of this weight has probably come back, especially after a birthday dinner and the superbowl.)
Now let me tell you what I have GAINED:
-Some doubts, mostly about the products I invested time and money into
-A kick start to continue trying to lose weight and get healthy
-Healthy habits that I can continue for a long while to come
-Self confidence ... because I look better, I feel better about myself
-Visible muscle tone
-Two hip bones (it's been a while since I've seen them!)
-A set of ribs (who knew all those were there?!)
-A jawline (definitely has been hiding!)
-A bigger closet. Yes that's right, a bigger closet, with smaller clothes. SO many of my clothes are smaller than would have been comfortable a month ago. I have been wearing SIZE 8 JEANS! The last time I wore size 8 jeans was probably my senior year of high school. This was an amazing feeling.
I have talked to several people about my results, and I've been told the same thing a few times. When I had my body fat tested at the RIT Fitness Lab, the guy (who I have seen a couple of times for appointments there) saw that I was disappointed in the fact that I didn't lose any body fat. (0.2% is virtually nothing.) He said to me, "I don't know where you expected to lose it from. You just don't have that much to lose." First of all, I guess he has never seen my booty. Second of all, I understand where he's coming from. I have no specific number that I am required to hit. I'm sure it would take a lot more effort and discipline to get a lot lower. All of my body fat sits around my hips and bum. It's just how they are... :(
I am still taking AdvoCare products, including CorePlex + Iron (a multivitamin), OmegaPlex (Omega-3s), Spark (yum), Arginine Extreme (it is a Citrus-flavored drink, for before tough workouts - I have been taking it before my lift days), and Nighttime Recovery (a pill taken before bed after tough workout days - I take this when I go to bed on lifting days). The last two products are in the Performance Elite line in AdvoCare.

THANK YOU for following along with my journey. I hope that I have inspired at least a few people.
Now, my question for you, is can YOU 24?!

AdvoCare not only has the 24-Day Challenge, but on January 1st, they came out with a workout DVD series to supplement it. There's no better time to see if YOU can do the 24-Day Challenge!
I lost 6 pounds, over 8 inches, and dropped 2 pant sizes. All of this was done without me adding any exercise (as I was already doing lots of exercise as it was). Imagine what YOU could do in 24 days!
Visit my AdvoCare Microsite by following this link. If you're interested in trying any of the products, feel free to contact me to talk about it!!!!
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